PMI-ACP Certification Requirements
Step 1: Take our 21 hour PMI-ACP certification class.

Take online class, or ...

... take an in-person classroom class. No prerequisite to attend class. If you require the hours for other certifications, the class gives you 21 PDUs and 21 SEUs.
Step 2: Apply for PMI-ACP test at

Prerequisites: 21 hour PMI-ACP certification class.

Work experience requirement, if you hold a high school degree or a bachelor's degree: 1 year of project management work experience, PLUS 8 months of agile project management work experience.

Work experience requirement: Your project management work experience has to have occurred in the last 5 years; alternatively, your project management work experience is met if you hold the PMP. Your agile project management work experience has to have occurred in the last 3 years. Your job title does not need to have been ‘project manager’, 'scrum master', or 'product owner'. See PMI’s PMI-ACP Handbook for details.

Don’t let the PMI-ACP application intimidate you; we help you with your PMI-ACP application in class.

PMI® reviews your application within 1 to 5 days.

Receive e-mail from with request to pay PMI-ACP exam test fee.

Pay PMI-ACP exam test fee at, $ 435 for PMI members (PMI membership fee is $ 139), $ 495 for non-members.

Receive e-mail from with authorization to schedule PMI-ACP exam at The authorization is valid for 1 year.
Step 3: Schedule PMI-ACP test at

Schedule online test at home or office, or ...

... schedule test at PearsonVue test center.
Step 4: Take the PMI-ACP test.

Take online test at home or office, or ...

... take test at PearsonVue test center. 120 questions, 3 hours, multiple choice, computer-based.
Step 5: Become a member of PMI.

Market yourself more effectively by letting others know about your PMI-ACP. Join local PMI chapters. Participate in PMI Meetup groups.
Step 6: Maintain PMI-ACP certification.

Collect 30 PDUs every 3 years, or 10 PDUs per year. See PMI’s CCR Handbook for details.

After 3 years, pay PMI-ACP renewal fee at, $ 60 for PMI members (PMI membership fee is $ 139), $ 150 for non-members.